Your Conservative Councillors have been working hard in their wards, focusing on local issues and advocating for their residents. Here are some of the highlights of the last month:
Bletchley Park
- Cllrs Nabeel Nazir and Mo Imran run street surgeries every Saturday. They have enjoyed engaging with residents and discussing local issues.
- Cllr Nabeel Nazir attended the Black History Month Exhibition at Centre:MK.
Bletchley West
- Cllr Adam Rolfe has been advocating for his residents. From housing and drainage to road safety and ascot railing, he has been raising his resident’s enquiries with the relevant officers at MKCC.
Campbell Park and Old Woughton
- Cllr Charlotte Hall has been working on improving the environmental safety of her ward. This has included removing sight-line obscuring foliage on the H9 (Simpson/Groveway), instigating investigations into the flooding hotspots of Woughton on the Green and Springfield and resolving several street lighting issues in Pennylands and Willen Park.
- She continues to help her residents navigate and access social care support such as Blue Badge renewals.
Danesborough and Walton
- Cllrs David and Victoria Hopkins have been working alongside various of their Parish Councils. This has included discussing road safety improvements and planning issues with Bow Brickhill Parish Council and working with Walton Community Council on the ongoing road closures and lack of bus services in their area.
- They have met with Gigaclear to secure reliable broadband for almost all communities in Woburn Sands and Wavendon by Spring 2023. They continue to meet with Gigaclear to extend the service to Bow Brickhill.
Newport Pagnell North
- Cllrs Chis Wardle, George Bowyer and Liam Andrews attended a meeting with Castlethorpe Parish Council regarding the section 106 breach in Carrington Close.
- Cllr Liam Andrews resolved some landscape issues in Newport Pagnell and continues to work with Hanslope residents over issues with speed bumps
Newport Pagnell South
- Cllr Scot Balazs has been focusing on road safety within his ward. He completed a pothole, damaged and missing road sign and damaged street light survey across his ward and has reported the findings to MKCC.
- He continues to work with Blakelands residents regarding their concerns of traveller encampments and landscaping issues with the warehouse on Yeomans Drive.
- Cllrs Keith McLean, Peter Geary and David Hosking have been supporting their residents with various planning applications including for a local business development.
- They have also been working with their Parish Councils on key local issues such as the potential impact of wheeled bins for elderly residents and properties in rural areas, the reduced 41 bus service and road closures.
Shenley Brook End
- Cllrs Saleena Raja and Chris Taylor supported and donated some of their community funds to the renovation of the Cressey Avenue play park. This included full resurfacing and ascot rial fencing, ensuring the local children can play safely.
- Cllr Saleena Raja has been working closely with Shenley Brook End Parish Council, volunteering at the Community Fridge and supporting both the Macmillan coffee morning and community litter pick.
Stony Stratford
- Cllr Joe Hearnshaw attended a site visit for the community centre and continues to work with Galley Hill Residents Association on this issue.
- He attended the Stony Stratford high street consultation and is working with the consultation on their public questions.
- Cllrs Shazna Muzammil, James Lancaster and Manish Verma have been working on the improvement of the roads in their wards. This has included successfully advocating for the renovation of Hartland Avenue and improving driver visibility around Whittington Chase in Kingsmead.
- They have been working closely with Thames Valley Police, putting on a very successful Hate Crime Awareness event at Westcroft and attending walkabouts to monitor anti-social behaviour.